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The Official @StarwarswithJesse Instagram is Here


Updated: Oct 25, 2021

The @starwarswithJesse Instagram page has officially launched, and here is what you can expect from it.

With the creation of my Instagram page @starwarswithJesse, I'm very excited to share what types of content will be posted there, and how it relates to the content being written in this blog.

I love everything that has to do with Star Wars. Having said that, I also love it when other people love Star Wars and we can have interesting conversations. I could talk to people all day about what our favorite movie is, or discuss theories about who Supreme Leader Snoke really is, if Mace Windu is still alive, or who would win in a fight: Anakin Skywalker or Rey if they were both in their prime? These are the tough questions that Star Wars fans lose sleep over night after night.

But in order to build a community of Star Wars fans, I need to educate more people on the actual content and increase their level of interest in Star Wars. I can increase their interest by using the Instagram account, but also by encouraging people to read this blog. Those are the major goals of my brand new Instagram page: @starwarswithJesse. I will be posting three days a week on that account. Each week, followers can expect one "fun fact" post containing interesting information about Star Wars characters, creatures, planets, and more. These posts will be meant to help educate people about the world of Star Wars.

Once a week, I will also be posting a #whywatchwednesday post. This weekly post will give followers specific reasons to consider watching Star Wars content, such as the quality of the films, the action, the comedy, the character development, and so on.

Lastly, once a week I will be posting a "blog preview." These posts will give followers a small sample of what I'm writing about in my blog that week, and hopefully entice them to come read the rest of the post on here.

The major difference between the content I am posting here on the blog, and the content I'll be posting on my Instagram, is that the Instagram will be more focused on giving people a quick, easily digestible introduction to Star Wars content. Whereas this blog will go more in depth about Star Wars, and how I feel about what's happening.

So, if you want to learn interesting facts about Star Wars and why it is a great source of entertainment, go follow @starwarswithJesse on Instagram!

As always, thank you for reading.


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