For a sci-fi series about people with magical powers swinging lightsabers at each other, you'd be surprised at the life lessons Star Wars offers.

There are many cliché quotes from the Star Wars movies that are referenced on a regular basis by fans.
"Do or do not, there is no try," "No, I am your father," "I find your lack of faith disturbing," These are all famous quotes by Yoda, and Darth Vader respectfully. While some quotes, like that first one, do offer some valuable wisdom, I think the overall themes of the movies offer even stronger life lessons.
Growing up with an older brother, I felt my fair share of frustration throughout middle and high school. He wasn't a bully by any means, but as siblings do, we messed around with each other all the time, and I could get quite angry. I also experienced bullying in high school and had some mental struggles to work through. Something that legitimately helped me get through these experiences in my adolescence was the set of life lessons that Star Wars taught me.
In the prequel trilogy, we watch Anakin Skywalker fall to the dark side because he lets his emotions get the best of him. Despite seeing the empathetic and loving side of him, Anakin eventually lets his anger take over. This results in him losing everything he loves. A valuable lesson I learned from these movies is that you should not let your negative emotions get the best of you. I consider myself an optimist - I always look on the bright side and hope for the best in all situations. This is a character trait that I, at least partly, credit to learning from Star Wars.
Obi Wan Kenobi, for example, has the opposite character development that Anakin has. Obi Wan maintains hope throughout the series, and he doesn't allow his negative emotions get the best of him. As a result of these traits, Obi Wan ends up training Anakin's son Luke and ultimately leads to the destruction of the evil empire. A positive outcome for keeping a positive attitude.
Another lesson I learned is from Luke Skywalker in Return of the Jedi. Going against everything that everyone is telling him, Luke decides to see the "good" in Darth Vader. As far as the citizens of the Star Wars galaxy are concerned, Vader is one of the most evil people of all time. And yet, Luke knows there is still a good side to him, and digs deep to pull it out of Vader. That faith in the humanity of someone who seems so evil, is also an incredible life lesson that I took away from Star Wars. This also relates to the idea of empathy, and just putting yourself in someone else's shoes.
I am very appreciative of these lessons, and I credit Star Wars for teaching me more than just the fact that Stormtroopers can't hit a single thing with their blasters.