In this post, I'll be sharing the most impactful quote in all of Star Wars.

After 9 movies, and countless episodes of TV shows and video games, there are so many meaningful quotes from Star Wars characters. There are a few that I really like, but there is one in particular that is my absolute favorite.
Some notable quotes from the series are as follows:
"Do or do not, there is no try." - Yoda, Return of the Jedi
"Never tell me the odds!" - Han Solo, A new Hope
"There is always a bigger fish." - Qui Gon Jin, The Phantom Menace
“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger; anger leads to hate; hate leads to suffering. I sense much fear in you.” — Yoda, Revenge of the Sith
The above quotes are all great for different reasons. The best quotes from Star Wars are those that are applicable to real life. Star Wars is littered with messages about hope, perseverance, patience, and perspective. However the following quote by Anakin Skywalker's mother Shmi in The Phantom Menace is my favorite:
"You can't stop the change, any more than you can stop the suns from setting."
This quote was said to a young Anakin Skywalker as he leaves his home planet of Tatooine, and his mother behind so he can go join the Jedi Order. Anakin didn't want to leave, and he was scared of the changes that his future held. However, his mother gives him this important message about change. Change is inevitable. Progress in life is inevitable. Shmi's message that I take to heart is that change should be embraced rather than feared.
This type of message is very relatable for me and likely a lot of others. I have learned throughout my life that change is not necessarily a bad thing. When you are scared of leaving behind all that you have ever known, it is helpful to embrace the changes and make the most of it rather than fear it. This is a message that I have applied in my life when I came to college, and it helped me get in the right mindset. That is why this quote resonates with me more than any other in Star Wars.
Thank you for reading this week! If you have a different quote from Star Wars that resonates with you more, send me a DM on Instagram at @starwarswithjesse !